Rocktober 27

Today in class, students in Integrated science spent some time investigating whether mass, surface type, surface area, and speed affect friction at all. We’ll be using all this information to determine how to do the old “pulling the table cloth off the table” trick.

Science 8 students continued notes on Earth’s model notes and preassessment. Students then predicted how big the layers of the earth are, and found out that the crust is actually very small compared to what we think most of the time. Students were also challenged with the question of HOW we got the layers of the earth, and so we learned that density plays a role. Students were then given some brief instruction on density, and then we took some time to calculate density for several substances in the room.

HOMEWORK: Integrated science, do the friction reading (password is readonline)
Science 8= do the Active Earth reading (questions on Friday’s quiz) Password is readonline.