February 16

Today in class, students began by playing a short simulation on natural selection and evolution (Natural Selection Simulation (Who wants to live a Million years?)  ). The students found that it was not easy to survive, and more organisms go extinct than survive. The reason why is because natural selection cuts down our diversity by allowing only the advantageous traits to remain in a population. But if there is no diversity, a species can all die from the same change in the environment. For example, if everyone has short fur and it becomes colder, then everyone may die. So, diversity leads to the survival of a species; more diverse characteristics are added to the population through mutation. After finishing up the game, students worked on the Anatomical Evidence for Evolution packet. Students will have some time tomorrow in class, but it will be graded at the end of class for credit.

Integrated science students worked on their Mixture separation lab today and tried to separate the 4 substances in their mixtures. Students will have more time to finish tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: Science 8= PLay either the Natural selection simulation Rabbits and wolves (won’t work for chromebooks), Natural Selection Simulation (with blue grabbers and flies),  or Blue and Green beetle Natural Selection game; Finish the Anatomical Evidence for Evolution packet.

February 13

Today in class, science 8 students learned more about how life changes over time by finishing the Evolution and Natural Selection notes. They also received the Natural Selection Worksheet and a reading on Darwin’s finches (with questions).

In integrated science, students graded the Solubility Curve Online Lab. The goal of the lab was to learn how temperature affects the rate at which different solutes (salts, in this case) will dissolve in a solvent (water in this case). After this, students received a lab on separating mixtures, and they determined the procedures they’d follow to separate the mixture.

HOMEWORK: Science 8= Finish the Natural Selection Worksheet, and the reading for Darwin’s finches.
Integrated=Create the procedures for the Mixture separation lab

February 12

Today in class, science 8 students learned more about how life changes over time by reviewing the Evolution and Natural Selection notes. We will continue these notes tomorrow, along with a reading about Darwin’s finches.

After grading their Atomic models lab 14 LAKEVIEW VERSION , Integrated science today worked on the Solubility Curve Online Lab, which will be finished tonight for homework. The goal of the lab was to learn how temperature affects the rate at which different solutes (salts, in this case) will dissolve in a solvent (water in this case).

HOMEWORK: Science 8= none
Integrated=Finish the Solubility Curve Online Lab

February 11

Today in science 8, students began with two questions: 1) What is a species, and 2) How do new species form? Students today discovered that defining a species is not as easy as what we initially think (First 6 slides only of Speciation Notes). Then students began taking down some information on evolution with the Evolution and Natural Selection notes.

Integrated today finished up their Atomic models lab 14 LAKEVIEW VERSION, and we then traded and graded it in class. Tomorrow, we’ll also be starting the solubility lab for the students to learn about solutions.


February 10

Today in class, students in science 8 completed and reasoned their way through the trilobite family tree. It was an arduous process, but it will allow us to better understand our life unit that we start notes on tomorrow.

Integrated science began the Atomic models lab 14 LAKEVIEW VERSION which dealt with pure substances, elements, compounds, and mixtures.

HOMEWORK: Science 8= none
Integrated= Finish the Atomic models lab 14 LAKEVIEW VERSION

February 6

Happy Friday everyone! Students in science 8 today took their historical geology test, which took the whole period, so they should take the weekend off!

Integrated science students continued discussions today on the phase change lab, focusing on the energy involved with phase changes. Afterwards, students began a new section on properties of matter with the atoms, molecules, compounds, and mixtures definitions.

HOMEWORK: Science 8=none

February 5

Students in science 8 today reviewed the answers from the Index fossil questionnaire yesterday, and then we checked over the   Historical Geology Test Study Guide KEY. Students  have their historical geology test tomorrow. We also turned in the ICE CORE READING which may show up tomorrow as well, so read over the background tonight!

Integrated turned in their Phase Change Lab today and also began reviewing the results of the lab. Tomorrow, we’ll continue to review these results.

HOMEWORK: Science 8= study the   Historical Geology Test Study Guide KEY
Integrated= None

February 2

Today in class, students in all classes received a letter informing parents and guardians about the fact that they will have a substitute for some time when my wife has our baby. Students in science 8 class also learned about tree rings today, and how they can be used to indicate the conditions of a particular environment.

Integrated science completed their Density Lab 2 – density challenge today in class after grading and turning in the Density problems wksht (and lobbying for my future child’s name in class).

HOMEWORK: Science 8= finish the Tree Rings activity
Integrated science= finish up the Density Lab 2 – density challenge, except problems 7 and 8