January 25

Today in class, integrated science students were asked to present and defend their answers on Qualitative Energy Pie Charts 1a. They also received some time to create their groups for the Alternative Energy project. Students will need to create a product that conveys the following information: 1) How energy is obtained from this source, 2) Pros, 3) Cons, and 4)A recommendation on how to move forward with investing in that energy type (or not).

Science 8 students had their Pro/Con worksheet for their Argumentative Essay on De-extinction checked. ( Bringing them back to life (De-extinction)   or  Bringing them back to life (Word)). After a review of how they could use pathos, ethos, and logos to help in their essays, students then read through a fake eulogy of an extinct organism (assigned in google classroom). Students will be researching some extinct creatures and writing a eulogy/obituary for them today and tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: Integrated = annotate and write a poem for the Roller Coaster article, Due Friday
Science 8= research more on de-extinction. Pre-write for your essay due Friday. Outline due Monday.

One thought on “January 25

  1. For some reason your google classroom class won’t come up on my iPad. I tried to log into the class, but for got the code. What is the Google classroom code for period 5?

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