August 16

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope everyone had an exciting and enjoyable day. Today in both science 8 and Integrated science, students began class by picking up 5 forms and filling out their agendas with the homework. Students received information about a study that I will be taking part in with my students. It is a grant through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) called Fighting with Woods (FWF). Students will engage in lessons throughout the year that teach them the chemistry behind healthy eating, and how it can be used to combat certain types of illness and toxin exposures. More information can be found by reading the Parent:Guardian Consent and Student Assent form FWF .  Only answers to questions (no personal information) will be used in the study. If a student is willing and allowed to participate in the study, they will also need to fill out the Student Opinions and Demographics, Chemistry Self-Concept Inventory, and What is happening in this class? (Answer this last one based on the previous year’s information).

Lastly, students spent time going over procedures, and we began setting up our journals. Students will record important notes, activities, labs, journal questions, practice problems, and more in their interactive notebooks this year.  We began setting up notebooks with our names and class locations, but we also discussed keeping a table of contents, page numbers, dates, titles/headings, and other organizational tools so the notebooks can be a great tool for our learning.

HOMEWORK: Parent:Guardian Consent and Student Assent form FWFStudent Opinions and Demographics, Chemistry Self-Concept Inventory, and What is happening in this class? , Science 8 Procedures or Integrated Procedures all due Monday, August 22.

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