September 4

Today in class, students in integrated shared their answers to confirm accuracy for the Motion maps and p vs t Graphs Worksheet 2  qualitative questions. Students then took their week 3 quiz, and spent any extra time working on their lab reports (due Tuesday).

Science 8 students were instructed on how to do questions 1-4 on the Motion maps and p vs t Graphs Worksheet 2  qualitative questions. Then students were given the take home week 3 quiz, and had to take the quarter 1 common assessment for science 8. Students worked the rest of the period on their Buggy Speed Lab reports.

HOMEWORK: Integrated: Finish Buggy Speed Lab report, due Tuesday. Motion maps and p vs t Graphs Worksheet 2 quantitative motion maps (no graphs)
Science 8=Finish the Buggy Speed Lab , and finish take-home quiz, due Tuesday.

FOR HELP: Motion Maps Video.